
EnergySolutions Clive Disposal Facility Recognized By Utah Occupational Safety and Health (UOSH) as a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Facility

Salt Lake City, Utah – June 15, 2018 –EnergySolutions, Inc. today announced that the Clive Disposal Facility, located 80 miles west of Salt Lake City in Utah’s West Desert, officially received Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) status by the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division (UOSH)of the Utah Labor Commission. The employees, at the Clive Facility, Energy<i>Solutions</i> Clive Disposal Facility Recognized By Utah Occupational Safety and Health (UOSH) as a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Facility

Routine Onsite Inspections Show Increased Levels of Tritium at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Decommissioning Project

Tests Indicate Drinking Water and Public are Safe Salt Lake City, Utah/Genoa, Wisconsin – March 12, 2018 –EnergySolutions and Dairyland Power Cooperative executed an agreement for the decommissioning of the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) site located in Genoa, Wis. In 2016, the official license for operational control of LACBWR was transferred to La CrosseSolutions, Routine Onsite Inspections Show Increased Levels of Tritium at the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Decommissioning Project

Safely Transporting Radioactive Materials

Nuclear energy has become an important part of our economy, but it can still become dangerous if not handles properly. Companies that use materials that are considered radioactive must take special precautions to transport these activities safely, depending on their quantity, form, and nature, and in the correct packaging to protect it from harm. Transportation Safely Transporting Radioactive Materials

Is Depleted Uranium Safe?

The phrase “depleted uranium” might automatically bring up visions of something sinister in your mind, but its important to ask the question, is depleted uranium truly dangerous, or can it be safe? What is Depleted Uranium? Before answering that question, it’s a good idea to have a little background on what this material actually is. Is Depleted Uranium Safe?

Common Questions About Depleted Uranium

Many people have questions about the storage and disposal of depleted uranium. It’s a little-understood field where there is a lot of information—and some misinformation—that people must sort through. In order to provide better information, EnergySolutions is working to ensure that consumers have as much information as they need to be educated about the process. Here are Common Questions About Depleted Uranium

Large-Scale Commercial Reactor Segmentation is Now a Reality

Nuclear energy in the U.S. is a vital part of our power system and essential to our national security. While many people are frightened at the thought of nuclear power, it is often a very safe and effective way to generate power for things like homes and businesses. However, even safe nuclear plants sometimes need Large-Scale Commercial Reactor Segmentation is Now a Reality

Why Hire an Experienced Depleted Uranium Disposal Company

In the U.S. we use depleted uranium as an essential part of our power grid and our national defense. Some people are concerned about the effects that this process might have on the environment, and what dangers it might pose for the public health. If your company works with depleted uranium, hiring the right disposal Why Hire an Experienced Depleted Uranium Disposal Company