Clive Disposal Facility

The Clive disposal facility is located in the west desert of Utah approximately 75 miles west of Salt Lake City.

With over 35 years of operational experience, the Clive disposal facility plays a vital role in the nuclear industry as a safe and compliant option for permanent disposal of radioactive waste.

Types of Waste Disposed at Clive

Nuclear Power Plants

Resin, DAW, Large Components, Lead for Macroencapsulation, Source Material

Site Remediation

Soil, Sludge, Rubble, PCB, Asbestos

Medical & Research

Test Equipment, Protective Clothing, Discarded Chemicals, Elemental Mercury

Federal & Other Waste

Mixed Waste, Macroencapsulation, Liquids, Organics, PCB

Industrial Products

Source Material, Enriched Uranium, Contaminated Water and Equipment

Building D&D

Concrete, Wood, Metals, Equipment

Mixed Waste

The Clive disposal facility is permitted to accept Mixed Waste, which is a combination of both RCRA hazardous and radioactive waste. Treatment technologies include macro encapsulation of radioactive lead solids and hazardous debris, stabilization of heavy metals, neutralization and solidification of contaminated liquids, thermal treatment of waste containing organic solvents, amalgamation of elemental mercury, and treatment of other unique waste streams.

Safely Manage and Dispose

EnergySolutions mission is to safely treat and dispose of these radioactive wastes to ensure the protection of the environment and public. Material shipped to Clive arrives by truck and train where the waste is safely disposed in engineered embankments.

We Take Great Pride in Safety

Our employees take great pride in safety and have accomplished more than 7-million-man hours without a lost time accident as well as being a VPP Star Certified Site. Safety is our value and it’s our first priority when managing radioactive waste. Once the waste is safely disposed, a robust monitoring system ensures the integrity of the cell is maintained. Water and air monitoring stations are located throughout the site to ensure the environment is not compromised.

Let’s get in touch

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