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Management Consultants International (MCI)

Executive Consultants

Joe Grimes

CEO & President of GrimesEnergyLeadership, LLC

Leadership Development, Operational Excellence, Construction / StartUp, Engineering & Capital Project Management, Performance Improvement.

David Hamilton

Energy Harbor Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Nuclear Officer - Retired

COO, CNO for nuclear utilities, senior leadership and oversight in the generation of more than 33 million megawatt hours of carbon free generation, major utility acquisition experience, Nuclear Power Plant general plant manager with multiple nuclear power plants and Senior Reactor Operator License Certification.

Paul Fessler

DTE Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer DTE Electric - Retired

45 years of Nuclear Power Plant experience. Served as CNO, worked in operations, engineering, maintenance and training. Fossil generation responsible for the operation of fossil-fueled electric power plants, capital projects and distribution operations and distribution engineering organizations.

Sam Belcher

Chief Nuclear Officer

Andrew C. Kadak

Nuclear Science Professor and Engineering Professor at MIT

Diverse background ranging from day-to-day nuclear power plant operations, senior executive utility management, Nuclear Science professor and Engineering professor at MIT, operating license renewal experience, regulatory affairs and high level nuclear waste storage and disposal.

Brad J. Adams

Nuclear Executive - Retired

Retired Nuclear Executive with 40 years of executive and managerial experience in the commercial nuclear power industry. Specific career expertise gained in the areas of fleet executive management and leadership development, design engineering, project and new construction management, merger integration, regulatory compliance, and contract administration. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

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